Giveaway and Q & A: Immortal by Traci Slatton

Jennifer at The Literate Housewife is starting an online book club in September, and the first reading selection is Immortal by Traci Slatton!  I have 2 copies of Immortal to give away (I received 3, but selfishly, I’m keeping one!).  I ask that you only enter the contest if you’re interested in participating in Jennifer’s online book club.  All you need to do is leave a comment here by Friday, August 15th.  

**edited to add:  If you sign up for Jennifer’s book club, she’ll send you a fancy handmade bookmark.  She rocks!

The publisher sent me a Q & A with the author to use along with the giveaway, so here goes:

About the Book

Q&A for Traci Slatton
Author of Immortal

Tell us about your book, Immortal.

Immortal is a rags-to-riches-to-burnt-at-the-stake story. It’s a journey of spirit and an education of the heart. That said, it’s the story of a mysteriously gifted street urchin who undergoes the darkest moments possible and still goes on to find true love, deep friendship, hope, faith, and ultimately the deepest secrets of his origins.

Why did you write this book?

I love to tell stories! I was working on a non-fiction book about science and spirituality. (Piercing Time & Space, ARE Press, Virginia Beach, VA: 2005.) It was fascinating research, but I found myself longing to write fiction, to create characters and wrap myself around adventure, conflict, and obstacle. Story lust drove me.

The book takes place in Florence during the Renaissance: What inspired you to choose this setting?

This goes back to the previous question. Renaissance Florence is a character in this novel–it’s inextricably interwoven into the story. It’s why I wrote THIS book. More explicitly, I am married to Sabin Howard, who is one of the foremost classical figurative sculptors working today. ( Think Michelangelo’s work: that’s what my husband’s work resembles. Moreover, Sabin is half-Italian; his mother is from Torino and he is completely fluent in the language. So, for him, Renaissance Italy is alive and well. It’s a part of our everyday discourse. I was always interested in Renaissance art but it’s become a passion because of living with Sabin.

Also, Florence between 1300 and 1500 was an intense and extraordinary place, almost unequalled in history. Art, philosophy, learning, commerce, banking, and government were all burgeoning and concentrated into this small city, making it the center of Europe. Out of Florence radiated invention and innovation. One of the popes called it “The fifth element of the universe.” Only Paris between the two world wars comes close to the fervor of creativity that was taking place in Florence during the Renaissance. It’s a powerful time to write about.

How did you come up with a protagonist like Luca?

I wanted a character who would meet and make an impression on my two great Renaissance heroes: Giotto and Leonardo. This character had to be the kind of man who could inspire love, lust, envy, admiration, and riveting hatred in other people. And he was going to face terrible challenges, so he had to have personal resources to help him through. And his suffering would make him humble and give him a hunger to love and be loved.

Lucas plays many different roles – orphan, companion, healer – throughout the story, which do you personally relate best to?

Perhaps to the healer and the companion. I was a hands-on or spiritual healer for many years, and Luca gets to do what I always longed to do: lay hands on and cure someone completely, even bring a dying man back to life.

I have four daughters, and in the best moments of parenting, there is a companionable aspect to it. There are moments when all the little stuff falls away, all the blah-blah-blah about messy bedrooms and parties and grades and allowances and health concerns, and my children and I are friends, laughing together. Even my little one, who is 3, sometimes sits and chats with me as if we were two good buddies. I treasure those moments.

Luca meets da Vinci, Botticelli…“immortals” whose impact on society is still apparent. Can you talk to us about some of those figures, and the way they still shape modern society?

They have left a legacy of art and ideas which is the foundation of western civilization. Petrarch, who is a friend of Luca’s in Immortal, articulated the notion of the individual self (see Ascent of Mount Ventoux) on which we built the United States: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” This is a radical change from the earlier systems of society, and it came out of the Renaissance. The great Cosimo de Medici who led Florence from 1434 to 1464 established the Platonic Academy, which formulated the ideals of humanism which are now axiomatic in our worldview. Even our pop philosophy, eg The Secret, has its roots in Pico della Mirandella’s Oration on the Dignity of Man: “O highest and most admirable felicity of man to whom it is granted to have whatever he chooses, to be whatever he wills!”

The great artists like Leonardo and Botticelli left us ideals of beauty that are still unparalleled. Leonardo left behind a prototype of a polymath genius as the highest aspiration.

Part of what makes Luca’s story so beautiful is the time period it is set in and the people he encounters. Do you think it would have had the same significance had it been placed at another time, such as the present?

Renaissance Florence is such an integral part of the story that it’s hard to say. I am, however, considering bringing Luca back in a future book that is set in Paris between the two world wars. Readers who love Luca can stay tuned…

Luca witnesses many important historical events throughout his life. What kind of research did you conduct for these?

I read a million books (okay, maybe a hundred), searched on-line, spoke with friends and relatives with extensive historical knowledge (my husband is a Renaissance sculptor and my father-in-law is a history teacher with a PhD), and I corresponded with, or spoke to, a couple of professors. I also like the History channel for shows on history! And we visited Italy several times, spending much time in the Medici chapel in Florence and the Pinacoteca Vaticano in Rome.

No one but me is to blame for inaccuracies, distortions, and out right fallacies.

What are your future writing plans in writing?

I am working on the sequel to Immortal right now.

Any advice you could give to beginning novelists out there?

Persist! And know who to trust with your work.

25 Responses

  1. I’d love to read this book! Please enter me in the giveaway.

  2. I posted this at Win a Book (no need to enter me), and stressed the “please join the book club” idea. I hope lots of people play along!

  3. Please enter me. I would love to participate.

  4. Great interview! Traci and I have something in common: we both love the History Channel.

    Please enter me for the giveaway. I can’t wait for the book club to start!

  5. I would love to read and participate. Thanks for the chance!

  6. […] August 9, 2008 at 2:57 pm | In Books | Tags: fabulous contests As if Lisa’s giveaway wasn’t enough for one day, there are a lot of other great contests going on right now. Here […]

  7. please enter me in the great giveaway!

  8. Please add me to the giveaway! Thanks!

  9. This book really sounds great. I would love to participate in the book club as well. What fun.

  10. Oh, I’d love a chance to read this. Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. Sounds like an interesting book! Enter me please!

  12. Yay, Lisa, I’m glad you snagged some copies of this book!

  13. I would love to win this book! I’m headed over now to sign up for the bookclub! Thanks!

  14. I’d love to read this book!

  15. […] copies of Traci L. Slatton’s Immortal at Books on the Brain, deadline 15 […]

  16. Pleaase enter me…. i’d love to win this book!


  17. Oh thanks for the contest! I’m already excited for the bookclub and have been wanting to read this book. Thanks!

  18. I would definitely be itnerested – please include me in the contest!

  19. Great giveaway! Count me in. I’m also including in my giveaways round-up today.

    I’m having some book giveaways as well. Hope you’ll stop by and encourage your readers to do so as well.

    Book Review and Giveaway – Left to Die by Lisa Jackson
    Book Review and Giveaway – Immortals: The Crossing by Joy Nash
    Book Review and Giveaway – The Night Villa by Carol Goodman
    Book Giveaway – The Badenweiler Waltz
    Guest Post – Phyllis Zimbler Miller (and a Giveaway)

  20. Me ME Me ME Me!

  21. This book looks fascinating. I’ve seen it several places and I definitely need to read it! Thanks for offering it as a giveaway.

  22. What a wonderful, flourishing time period this book is written about! I love when lots of research has gone into a historical book. Please enter me in your delightful giveaway drawing. I appreciate it….. Thanks, Cindi

  23. Me ME Me ME Me! (Do I sound like I am warming up for an opera?)

  24. This sounds a great book and I would love to be included in the giveaway!

    Many Thanks

  25. sign me up for the giveaway please


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