Queen of the Road Giveaway!

 “Trailer for sale or rent, rooms to let fifty cents..”  Why is this song stuck in my head, you ask?? Well, because I’m reading “Queen of the Road” by Doreen Orion, a romantic travel memoir of when the author and her outdoorsy husband decided to chuck it all and spend a year traveling the country in a converted bus.  Yes, a YEAR in a bus, with 2 cats, a poodle, and lots of shoes! I’ve barely started the book, but so far it’s fun and funny- I love her sense of humor. Here’s more about it from Broadway Books:

Summary: A pampered Long Island princess hits the road in a converted bus with her wilderness-loving husband, travels the country for one year, and brings it all hilariously to life in this offbeat and romantic memoir.

Doreen and Tim are married psychiatrists with a twist: She’s a self-proclaimed Long Island princess, grouchy couch potato, and shoe addict. He’s an affable, though driven, outdoorsman. When Tim suggests “chucking it all” to travel cross-country in a converted bus, Doreen asks, “Why can’t you be like a normal husband in a midlife crisis and have an affair or buy a Corvette?” But she soon shocks them both, agreeing to set forth with their sixty-pound dog, two querulous cats—and no agenda—in a 340-square-foot bus.

Queen of the Road is Doreen’s offbeat and romantic tale about refusing to settle; about choosing the unconventional road with all the misadventures it brings (fire, flood, armed robbery, and finding themselves in a nudist RV park, to name just a few). The marvelous places they visit and delightful people they encounter have a life-changing effect on all the travelers, as Doreen grows to appreciate the simple life, Tim mellows, and even the pets pull together. Best of all, readers get to go along for the ride through forty-seven states in this often hilarious and always entertaining memoir, in which a boisterous marriage of polar opposites becomes stronger than ever. — Broadway Books

Want to win your own copy of Queen of the Road?  Just visit the Queen of the Road website and click on the “share a thought” link on the roadsign on the left.  Once you are there, leave a comment by Monday, July 28th, about anything!  You can talk about your own travel experiences, your love of shoes, a trip you took with your spouse, your pets, how much you enjoy my blog (hee hee), the author’s website, or ANYTHING AT ALL!  It’s entirely up to you. Just leave a comment along with your email address, and mention that you got there via Books on the Brain.  Ms. Orion will be selecting a winner and will forward the info. to me so that I can send out the book.  This contest is open to US and Canadian residents only (sorry!)

This book is everywhere right now.  It was the featured book club selection in June at Borders and is the Adventure at Every Turn book club July selection at Celestial Seasonings!  In fact, Celestial Seasonings is running an awesome Iced Tea Drink recipe contest inspired by this book, which starts each chapter with a cocktail recipe.  The prizes are pretty spectacular, so I suggest you check it out.

Doreen Orion’s website can be found HERE.  She is more than happy to visit with book clubs via speaker phone.  Here’s a reading guide to help with discussions.

And you can check out reviews of Queen of the Road HERE and HERE.  Good luck!

14 Responses

  1. This looks like an interesting book. I’ve often thought about travelling across the country, but I’m not sure I’m that brave. 🙂 I’m reading some road trip fiction right now in 3 Aces by Richard Ide and most days that’s about as adventurous as I get.

  2. Cool! Thanks for the e-mail. I just shared my story over at the website. I’m currently hosting a book gievaway too. Author Ellen Baker will be giving away a signed copy of her wonderful book KEEPING THE HOUSE over at Planet Books. Ellen will also be gracing the screen of PB with a guest post, coming soon.
    I hope you are well L!! Check ya later!!

  3. […] Doreen Orion’s Queen of the Road at Books on the Brain, deadline 28 July. […]

  4. This is definitely my kind of book, although I’m sure my boyfriend will hate it because I’ll be begging him to quit his job and travel around in a bus with me….

  5. I won a copy of this book and am waiting impatiently for the it to be delivered in the mail. Thank you for the review and all the fun links! I can’t wait to delve into the book 🙂

  6. That sounds wonderful! And, I remember the song “King of the Road” but not who sang it. I can hear his voice in my head, now. Who was that guy?

    Now, just watch me summon up the energy to click on the link. I am so dying, here. I got a box full of samples from UPS, yesterday, and it was so funny — someone, I have no idea who, sent me this box of samples like lotion. It felt like it had just come out of an oven. Do you know what happens when you cook lotion? It doesn’t smell or look very pretty. LOL

    Thanks for visiting my blog!! I think I’ve been here, before, but I probably didn’t save a link. I have no excuse; I’m just that way. I’ll be back! 🙂

  7. It was Roger Miller. And oh… I may never forgive you for posting those lyrics, again. I had them stuck in my brain the entire year of our bus trip and was only recently able to rid my mind of them. Now, I fear they’re ba-ack. 🙂

    Thanks for reviewing my book and holding the contest.

  8. Lisa don’t enter me>I already have this great book. I just wanted to let you know I nominated you for an award:)

  9. You’re so cool.

  10. […] and don’t forget about my book giveaway!  Click HERE to read about how you can win a copy of Queen of the Road by Doreen Orion! Possibly related posts: […]

  11. […] at Books on the Brain is giving away a copy of Queen of the Road by Doreen Orion. Click here for instructions on how to […]

  12. […] a good one, so if you haven’t entered my giveaway and would like a chance to win, click HERE to find out how. You have until Monday 7/28 at midnight […]

  13. I wish to read this book. Such books are never available in India!

    SS 1: Review of Shelf Monkey
    SS 2: List of acquired books

  14. […] I’ll stop bitching about stuff now.  Just a reminder- my Queen of the Road giveaway ends tonight.  The Safety of Secrets giveaway started today and goes through August […]

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